About Us
Founded in 1953
* 2nd largest of nine Dallas County Republican
Women's Clubs
* Meetings/Events/Presentations monthly -
normally 4th Wednesday in the evening
* Membership concentrated in northwest Dallas,
Farmers Branch, Addison and Carrollton
Heading 6
The objectives of PWRW shall be:
To work for the election of the Republican Party's nominees.
To promote an informed electorate through political education.
To increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through active political participation and involvement in the legislative process.
To work in cooperation with the Dallas County Council of Republican Women, Texas Federation of Republican Women, National Federation of Republican Women, and local Federated clubs.
To foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its principles and candidates in all elections including non-partisan elections.
2025 Preston West Leadership
Marty Forte' President
Directory & E-News
Susan Fountain, 1at V.P. Programs
Celeste Craig, 2nd V.P.
Nancy Anderton, 3rd V.P.
Political Activities/Legislation
Nancy Ficke, 4th V.P.
Susie Morrissey,
Recording Secretary
Candy Grady,
Van Smith,
Director of Arrangements/
Mary Brooks,
Bobbie Quick,
Friends Chair
Sandy Denton,
Director of Registration
Ellen Theilen,
Immediate Past President
Preston West Republican Women
celebrated their 71st annual
Christmas Party December 9th
at Victoria's Restaurant.
TX Senator, Tan Parker officiated
the installation of the new officers for 2025.