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2025 Events
Save the Date!
Wednesday, February 26th

Jointly hosted by PWRW, Dallas Co Council of Republican Women & Richardson Republican Women
Studio Movie Grill-Royal Lane
11170 N. Central Expy

Food & drinks available to purchase

doors open 5:45 program begins 6:30
With Nick Adams, Founder & CEO Foundation for Liberty & American Greatness (FLAG)
Speaker, TV Commentator; Political Strategist
Bestselling Author of  Trump and Churchill
Save the Date!
March 26 6:00 - 8:00 (Check in opens at 5:30)
BJ's Brewhouse (Private Room)
4901 Belt Line Rd, Addison
Jointly hosted by Preston West Republican Women and Coppell Republican Women
Complimentary admission, Dutch Treat Dinner & Drinks (separate checks) followed by program

Space is limited and registration will close at capacity

Sidney Powell, Attorney, Author, Speaker
Founder of
Defending the
Producer of Defending the Republic Newsletter
Best Selling Author of Licensed to Lie

Hardcover personally autographed books available for $30at the event.

Find Sidney at Truth Social @realSidney Powell
X @Sidney Powell1
Sign up for Defending the Republic's exceptional newsletter at

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PWRW General Meeting
Wednesday, January 22nd 6:00-8:00p.m.
Featuring Special Guest Speaker
Don Huffines, Former State Senator
Founder and President
Huffines Liberty Foundation

Jakes's Burgers 14920 Midway, Addison
Optional Dinner followed by program
Dutch Treat; Separate checks
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2024 Events
Last 2024 Pioneer Luncheon 
December 30th!

Save the Date!
Pioneer Luncheon
Monday, December 30th
New Year's Eve Eve
11:15 a.m.

Lazy Dog Restaurant
5100 Belt Line, Addison

order off menu, separate checks
Complimentary Cake!

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Sanjay Narayan Special Guest Speaker with Briefing on The importance of meritocracy and pursuit of a culture of excellence
Save the Date!
Preston West Christmas Party
Monday, December 9th 6:00-8:00 p.m.

With Senator Tan Parker
The Victoria Mexican Restaurant
13435 Bee St. Farmers Branch

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Save the Date! November 19th 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Note week & day change due to Thanksgiving
PWRW General Meeting
Let's Go Gangbusters! with
Guest Speaker Tommy Adams,
Assistant Dallas County District Attorney, Chief of Gang Division
& Community Response Team

Jake's Burgers @ 14920 Midway Rd. Addison
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October 23rd 6:00-8:00 p.m.
PWRW General Meeting
Special Guest Speaker:

Beth Van Duyne, U.S. Representative Congressional District 24
At the home of Van Smith, Farmers Branch

Address given when RSVP completed

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Traditional Fall Kick-Off Wednesday Morning
September 25th 10:00 - 12:00
Farmers Branch Historical Park
2540 Farmers Branch Lane, Farmers Branch

Program in the Old Church
Followed by Brunch in the Dodson House
Compliments of the Preston West Board

Featuring Guest Speakers: Molly McCann Sanders & Lt. Col. Allen West
Molly McCann Sanders
Political Analyst, Formerly Of Counsel with Sidney Powell, PC
defending Gen. Michael Flynn
Lt. Col. Allen West
Dallas County Republican Party
Final Summer Informal
"American History in No Time"
Wednesday, August 28 6:30-8:30 p.m.
6:30-7:30 Meet and Greet & Dinner 7:30 Program
Chuy's Tex-Mex 4440 Belt Line, Addison
Mexican Buffet, $20 cash or check at the door
Cash bar

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Preston West is excited to welcome from Brunswick, Georgia Special Guest
Randolph G. Russell 
Historian, Author and Speaker
Randolph G. Russell is an American Historian, passionate about familiarizing Americans with the history of the United States, bedrock principles that made it great, and what happened since its founding. He is author of the popular book,
American History in No Time

a quick and easy way to learn the basics
every citizen should know.
 PWRW Pioneer Luncheon
Thursday August 15 at 11:15 a.m.
Lazy Dog Restaurant 5100 Beltline, Addison

Order off menu, separate checks
Complimentary, delicious designer cake!
No business, just comaraderie
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Wednesday, July 24th 5:30p.m. doors open, 6:00 Movie
July Summer Informal Movie Night (Joint with DCCRW)
Complimentary tickets for pre-registered attendees
Food & Drinks available for purchase at the theater
Flynn - Deliver the Truth, Whatever the Cost
@ Look Dine-In Cinema
10110 Technology Blvd E, Dallas
Post-Film Commentary by
Special Guest General Al Zapanta
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Friends Event hosted by Dr, Cheryl Kinney
June 30th with National Republican Committeeman
Dr. Robin Armstrong, Committeewoman-Elect Debbie Gorgatos
and Mayra Flores, Candidate U.S. Congress District 34 
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Dr. Robin Armstrong
Debbie Georgatos
Mayra Flores

Summer Informal Tuesday, June 11th 6:00 p.m.
Meet & Greet, 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7 - 8 p.m.  

Bankhead Brewpub, 13090 Bee Street,
Farmers Branch

A lively discussion on Convention of States:
With 2 knowledgeable speakers on why they are
passionate about their stances on this matter.

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Tom Giovanetti, President
Institute for Policy Innovation (For)
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Steve Oglesby
John Birch Society Board (Against)
Come Celebrate
with us!
Wednesday, April 24th 
PWRW General Meeting
6:00 pm Dinner, 6:30pm Program

Featuring Special Guest Speaker. Ed Retta
Founder & CEO
Cross Cultural Communications
Dallas County Republican Party HQ

11617 N. Central Expressway Suite 240
$15/person Includes Dinner and Complimentary 
Wine or beer and dessert
$10.00 Admission for Meeting Only


March 27th, 6:00 p.m. Dinner, 6:30 p.m. Program
PWRW General Meeting
Special Guest Speaker: Hon. Jennifer Balido
Chief of the Appellate Division, Dallas County

District Attorney's Office
Meeting Takes place at The Dallas County Republican Party Headquarters (DCRP)
11617 N Central Expy Suite 240  75243
(Entrance on Forest)

Sliders and Salads    
Complimentary wine, & dessert

Wednesday, March 13th @11:15
Pioneer Luncheon
at Lazy Dog Restaurant
5100 Beltline Rd Ste. 500
Addison, 75254

Dutch treat / order off menu
separate checks


Wednesday February 28th, at 6:00p.m.
PWRW General Meeting
Guest Speaker: Russ Ramsland 
"Election Fraud: What You Don't Know,
Will Defeat You

Bankhead Brewpub (upstairs)
13090 Bee Street, Farmers Branch 
Join Us for Gourmet Pizza and Salads
$20.00 + Cash Bar

PWRW Movie Night!
Wednesday January 24th, 2024
6:00 Arrival Time, 6:30 Movie Time
Featuring Dinesh D'Souza"s "Police State"
With a Special Guest Commentator
Look Dine-In Cinema, 10110 Technology Blvd
$10.00 at the Door (cash or check to PWRW)

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2023 Events

PWRW Christmas party and New Officer Installation
Monday December 4th @ 6p.m.
Featuring Tan Parker, TX State Senator -District 12
To Officiate New Officer Installation

The Victoria's Mexican Restaurant 
13435 Bee Street, Farmers Branch 75234
Mexican Dinner @ $30.00 per person
Open Bar Available


PWRW General Meeting
Tuesday, November 14th @ 6p.m.

Featuring Guest Speaker: Michael Flusche, North Regional Director - U.S. Senator Ted Cruz
Separate checks, complimentary wine & dessert
Toasty's Restaurant
13605 Midway Rd 75244


PWRW General Meeting
Tuesday, October 24th @ 6p.m.
Featuring Guest Speaker: Troy Jackson, Former Regional Director TX GOP, Republican Precinct Chair Training Instructor, America First Political Strategist, Author of Making the Case for American Exceptionalism, and Pastor that teaches "It's Not Just Politics, It's Ministry!"

Separate checks, complimentary wine & dessert
Toasty's Restaurant
13605 Midway Rd 75244


PWRW Fall Kickoff Luncheon
Tuesday, September 26th
10:00 to 12:00

Brunch hosted by PWRW Board
Farmers Branch Historical Park
2540 Farmers Branch Lane
Featuring Guest Speaker, Victor Avila
retired Supervisory Special Agent ICE and Homeland Security Investigations
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Tuesday, August 22nd @ 6:00 p.m.
PWRW Summer Informal
Featuring Speaker
: Sanjay Narayan for some interesting facts on CBDC: How Those in Power Want to Control Your $ and Your Future
and enjoy a Fajita dinner (separate checks)
Lupe Tortilla 4535 Belt Line Rd. in Addison

Wednesday, August 16th @ 11:15
PWRW Quarterly Luncheon
Lazy Dog Restaurant, 5100 Beltline, Addison
Dutch Treat, separate checks, dessert provided
Enjoy catching up with Friends, No program

PWRW Movie Night!
Tuesday, July 6th @ 6:30 p.m.
Sound of Freedom, Jim Caviezel's  movie about the important and long awaited film about sex trafficking
Cinemark 17 @ Webb Chapel and LBJ

PWRW Annual Fundraiser
Wednesday, May 24rd @6:00 p.m.
Featuring: Luke Macias
His weekly podcast is the top spot for all 
information regarding Texas poitics

Star Center
12700 N Stemmons Frwy
Farmers Branch,  75234


PWRW Quarterly Luncheon
Wednesday, May 3rd @ 11:15 a.m.
Lazy Dog Restaurant, 5100 Beltline, Addison
Dutch Treat, Order off Menu, Separate Checks
Camaraderie, no program

Looking Forward to catching up with Friends!

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Movie Fun

PWRW General Meeting
Tuesday, April 25th @6:00 p.m.
Featuring: Karin Dyer, Executive Editor,
The Dallas Express, The People's Paper
13605 Midway Road 75244

Exclusive Friends Event
Only for PWRW "Friends" and guest

April 1st at the Warwick Hotel
Coffee and Conversation on "Too Good to be Blue"
Featuring Guest Speaker Kevin Cooper
as Vice Chair of Miami-Dade Rep. Party he was instrumental in turning Miami-Dade RED
and Jennifer  Stoddard Hajdu,    
Chairwoman of Dallas County Republican Party 
PWRW General Meeting
Tuesday March 28th @ 6:00
Featuring Judge Ashley Wysocki,
Newly Appointed by Govenor Abbot
to Texas 162nd District Court

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PWRW General Meeting
Tuesday February 28th @ 6:00 p.m.
Featuring Ronda Kay Moreland speaking on:
"A Focus of What Unites Us"


PWRW General Meeting
Tuesday January 27th
@ 6:00 p.m.
Featuring Lynn Davenport
Education Researcher & Host of Social Impact Podcast
Toasty's Restaurant
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Friends Event April 2021 hosted by Anne and Nathan Stone 
Van Smith, Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu,
and Susie Morrisey
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